6 things about performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDS) or steroids

1. What are steroids?

Steroids can take the form of tablets, capsules, oral liquids and injectable liquids. Common slang terms for steroids include ‘roids’, ‘gear’ and ‘juice’. Steroids are synthetic substances related to the male sex hormones. They promote the growth of skeletal muscle and the development of male sexual characteristics in both males and females.

Steroids are derivates of testosterone. Testosterone is a male hormone that has anabolic and androgenic effects. The anabolic effect includes promoting bone density, the growth of muscle, and the rapid recovery from injury. The androgenic or masculinising effect is responsible for developing and maintaining all male characteristics. These include the penis, testicles, muscle mass, deep voice and facial hair. Even though testosterone is called a male sex hormone, it occurs naturally in women as well but in much smaller amounts.

2. Why steroids?

There are many legitimate medical uses for steroids, such as treating osteoporosis. However amongst the general community, steroids are used for either performance enhancement or for enhancing one’s body image. The use of steroids for image enhancement seems to be on the rise in Australia with a trend towards users hoping to look their best at particular events - be in New Year’s Eve or Mardi Gras! This desire for a certain body image may stem a desire to improve self-esteem. Performance enhancement refers to increasing one’s performance in chosen sport or activity. In most sports in Australia there are strict guidelines against the use of substances such as steroids. These rules are enforced by Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) . However, there are some sports such as bodybuilding, power-lifting and strongman events where there are divisions that allow the use of performance enhancing substance such as steroids. In effect there is no testing of the competitor. The correct use of steroids along with a proper training and nutrition program allows the user to make significant gains above their genetic potential. These gains typically involve increased muscular size, strength and power.

3. Steroids, blood borne viruses (BBVs) and recreational drug use

Steroids are typically administered via intramuscular (IM) injection. You CAN still acquire a blood borne virus via an IM injection. The user will frequently hit a blood vessel or a vein and blood will come to the surface of the skin upon withdrawing the needle. All of the usual safety messages for intravenous injecting apply for the use of steroids. The number of people in Australia that use both steroids and other drugs appears to be increasing, increasing the likelihood of those using steroids acquiring or a BBV. Recreational drug use is potentially dangerous for the steroid user, with a dramatic increase in the likelihood and intensity of typical steroid side effects.

4. Steroid cycles

Steroids are run in ‘cycles’. A cycle is just a list of the compounds, their dosages and the duration for which they are run. A first time user will typically run testosterone by itself with dramatic results. Increased self-esteem and feelings of wellbeing are pronounced for the first timer.

Cycles may be further divided into cutting (lowering body fat whilst preserving muscle mass) or bulking (increasing size as much as possible which may include some fat). Once a steroid cycle is concluded the user will either come off steroids entirely or will continue on a lower dose of testosterone. During a cycle more serious users will start adding different compounds - called a stack.

A common perception is that the steroids work like ‘magic’. Steroids don’t work by themselves - they just set the stage for something to happen. Diet and exercise are the key factors in getting any results from steroids. Some important things to consider whilst on a steroid cycle is that there is a need to increase water intake because steroids increase core body temperature. A lack of water may result in serious fatigue and headaches. There is a requirement for more calories and in particular more protein than what is normally. More calories in general. No sugary foods. No salt - a high sodium diet means you’ll retain water and get problems from that.

5. Side effects

Side effects include damage to the organs including the reproductive organs and the liver and kidneys. Heart problems can occur as a result of elevated cholesterol and blood pressure. A user is also at risk for certain cancers such as testicular and prostate. Although ‘roid rage’ is largely a media myth the user will often be confronted with swings in mood.

The user’s natural production of testosterone will start to shut down as the cycle goes along and the body realises there is too much testosterone and will try and regulate it. At first you will have a very high sex drive but that will diminish. And upon completion of a steroid cycle the steroid user may encounter problems associated with trying to get their bodies to again produce its own testosterone. Steroids will convert across to oestrogen and prolactin via aromotisation and if left uncontrolled may cause mood problems, breast tissue (gyno), acne, fatigue and depression. The key to controlling most side effects is the use of an aromotase inhibitor. Also injection time-keeping must be rigidly adhered to. By not taking the steroids at the exact time indicated by your ‘cycle’ you put yourself at higher risk of side effects like acne and moodiness. Additionally a steroid user should see a general practitioner and undertake regular blood testing.

If you get an injection site that becomes red and hot and swollen, where the redness starts to spread, you need to go to a doctor and get antibiotics immediately otherwise it will have to be surgically lanced and drained, resulting in muscle being cut away.

6. Steroid information and sourcing

Most PIED users acquire their information and sources at gyms, through friends and now via the internet on various forums. These forums are places where bodybuilding, powerlifting and related sports are discussed. They are helpful because lots of skilled people use them - you will soon see who is respected - and bad information will be instantly jumped on. PIED users do not currently see NSPs as a place to talk about safer using... but it is up to NSP to change this if they want to. Gyms will mostly ignore the issue, it’s not a good place to pursue safe messaging. Forums on the internet are the best things we’ve got and anyone contemplating the use of steroids needs to educate themselves as much as possible on the topic.

Use your common sense. It is important to remember all bodies are different and you may not get the same results as someone else posting on a forum. You need to test things in your own body in small doses to make sure you don’t have a bad effect and that the product is legitimate.


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